Also in this issue
Busting the myth that support workers don’t lead
Kay Parnell is a rare blend among CSP members as she’s an associate member, a steward and staffside chair.
Feel the fear
Karen Middleton believes that courage is a crucial characteristic for anyone aspiring to be a great leader
NIHR: physiotherapy education before surgery reduces lung complications
Physiotherapy education before major abdominal surgery reduces lung complications
Hip Sprint in numbers
Hip Sprint local is the CSP’s project aimed at helping members implement hip fracture standards into their work
Medico-legal work is for expert witnesses
Each month, the CSP’s professional advisers share advice and guidance on a topical matter.
Physiotherapy tools, resources and information
A selection of tools and information sources that you may find useful
HCPC Standards of conduct, performance and ethics
‘Do I need to tell the HCPC if I have been charged with a criminal offence?’
Working over Christmas and new year?
We answer your questions with support, guidance and updates from the CSP’s Employment Relations and Union Services team
Working in professional sport
Physiotherapist Chris Jenkins has recently come back from the Rugby World Cup in Japan, a long term ambition
Challenging perceptions about hospices
Physiotherapist Mary Tyrrell Place has recently taken up a post managing a day services centre in a hospice
Volunteer your skills at Xmas
Jo Dawes is encouraging physiotherapy staff to help homeless people over the festive period