A range of resources detailing best practice, innovation and guidance that’s helping shape rehabilitation and recovery services across the UK.
On this page:
- Community rehab standards
- Report - Rehabilitation fit for the future
- Community rehab and reablement model
- Hip fracture standards
- Getting it Right First Time
- Report - Live Well for Longer
- Report - CRA Core Asks 2023-24
- Physiotherapy services checklist
- Report - Rehabilitation, recovery and reducing health inequity: easing the pain
- Report - Making community rehab data count
- Intermediate care framework
While access and capacity are key issues for community rehab and recovery services, so too is the quality of what is delivered.
We are now part of leading the movement for rehab and recovery, using robust evidence to inform key decisions on how care is delivered.
Community rehabilitation standards
The CSP has developed a set of standards for the key components of the community rehabilitation pathway. These standards will, for the first time, set out to bring consistency to the quality and delivery of rehabilitation services across the UK.
See also the standards for rehabilitation for Covid-19 patients.
Report - Rehabilitation fit for the future
The Community Rehabilitation Alliance's submission to the government under its 10 Year Plan consultation on the future of NHS England.
Community rehab and reablement model
Good practice guidance for integrated care boards (commissioners and providers).
Hip fracture standards
The CSP's hip fracture rehabilitation standards were created to help support the continuity of rehab across the pathway. They can also ensure care is of the appropriate intensity and frequency to achieve a patient's goals.
Getting It Right First Time
Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) is leading work with stakeholders to improve the commissioning of community rehabilitation in England. The CSP was part of this work, along with many other professional bodies and charities. It resulted in the Community Rehabilitation toolkit, published by NHS England in March 2020.
As well as being a resource for commissioners and planners, the CSP believes it is a tool to support CSP members across the UK involved in service redesign and influencing local commissioners and planners.
The toolkit is based on principles for quality rehabilitation that the CSP advocates for all: person-centred, integrated and accessible.
Live Well for Longer report
The CSP's report, Community Rehabilitation: Live Well for Longer, outlines why all patients should have equal access to high-quality, person-centred, community rehabilitation.
Community Rehab Alliance core asks 2023-24
The Community Rehab Alliance (CRA) has developed a list of key messages for partners to use in their own political engagement
Physiotherapy services checklist
The CSP and other key stakeholders have worked with NHS Right Care to develop the Community Rehabilitation Toolkit. However, this is targeted particularly at planners and commissioners of community services.
We have therefore developed this checklist for physiotherapy services, to enable you to identify both the specific strengths of your services and the areas for improvement.
Rehabilitation, recovery and reducing health inequity: easing the pain
This report raises awareness of health inequities in rehabilitation and recovery services across the UK.
Making Community Rehab Data Count
This report explores the current practice of data collection and use in community rehabilitation (CR), and insight into how we can improve this.
Intermediate care framework
The FAQs set out here are designed to help CSP members and other allied health professionals better understand what the intermediate care framework(ICF) and new model for rehabilitation mean for them, and how to take steps to progress with implementation.